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A Palestinian baby in Gaza is born an orphan in an urgent cesarean section after an Israeli strike

来源:Earthly Essence news portal编辑:health时间:2024-06-03 22:40:39

RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Sabreen Jouda came into the world seconds after her mother left it.

Their home was hit by an Israeli airstrike shortly before midnight Saturday. Until that moment, the family was like so many other Palestinians trying to shelter from the war in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah.

Sabreen’s father was killed. Her 4-year-old sister was killed. Her mother was killed.

But emergency responders learned that her mother, Sabreen al-Sakani, was 30 weeks pregnant. In a rush at the Kuwaiti hospital where the bodies were taken, medical workers performed an emergency cesarean section.

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