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2 policemen killed, 1 injured in 'terror' attack in SE Iran

来源:Earthly Essence news portal编辑:entertainment时间:2024-06-03 19:20:08

An armed "terror" attack targeted a police patrol unit in the southeastern Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan on Saturday, killing two law enforcement officers and injuring one other, the official news agency IRNA reported.

The attack was carried out as the patrol unit was on duty in Kurin District in the province's Zahedan County, said the report.

The IRNA identified the slain as conscripts Mohammad Roudabi and Ali Qassemi, both 20 years old, adding a manhunt had been launched for the perpetrators.

Speaking to the semi-official Fars news agency, the provincial police commander, Doostali Jalilian, said the police forces had shot dead one of the "terrorists" in Mehrestan County, adding efforts were underway to arrest two other gunmen who had fled toward the mountains.

Jalilian noted that a Kalashnikov rifle and some ammunition were also seized.

Earlier this week, also in the province, 16 security personnel were killed in "terror" attacks by the Jaish al-Zulm group on public venues and military sites in Chabahar and Rask counties, according to Fars. The group has been listed as a terrorist entity by Iran.

Bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan, Sistan and Baluchestan province has witnessed several terrorist attacks on both civilians and security forces over the past years.

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